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Working Papers Series 1999

Listed below are the year 1999 working papers of faculty and graduate students of the Mitchell E. Daniels, Jr. School of Business, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana. These papers give scholars the opportunity to make the results of new and continuing research available in a timely fashion. Many of the working papers are draft stages of articles which will eventually be published in reputable scholarly or professional journals.

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Working Papers - 1999

1121 Kent D. Miller and Timothy B. Folta, Entry Timing and Option Value

1122 Glenn Hueckel,The Labor “Embodied” in Smith’s Labor-Commanded Measure: A “Rationality Reconstructed” Legend

1123 Timothy B. Folta and David A. Foote,Temporary Employees as Real Options

1124 Gabrielle Camera, Dirty Money

1125 Wilfred Amaldoss, Robert J. Meyer, Jagmohan J. Raju, and Amnon Rapoport, Collaborating to Compete: A Game Theoretic Model and Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Profit-Sharing Arrangement and of Alliance on Resource-Commitment Decisions

1126 Wilfred Amaldoss, Robert J. Meyer, Jagmohan J. Raju, and Amnon Rapoport, Appendices for Collaborating to Compete: A Game Theoretic Model and Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Profit-Sharing Arrangement and of Alliance on Resource-Commitment Decisions