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Working Papers Series 2008

Listed below are the year 2008 working papers of faculty and graduate students of the Mitchell E. Daniels, Jr. School of Business, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana. These papers give scholars the opportunity to make the results of new and continuing research available in a timely fashion. Many of the working papers are draft stages of articles which will eventually be published in reputable scholarly or professional journals.

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Working Papers - 2008

1208 Timothy N. Cason, Lata Gangadharan, Pushkar Maitra, Moral Hazard and Peer Monitoring in a Laboratory Microfinance Experiment

1209 Kai A. Konrad, Dan Kovenock, The Alliance Formation Puzzle and Capacity Constraints

1210 Kai A. Konrad, Dan Kovenock, Competition for FDI with vintage investment and agglomeration advantages

1211 Dan Kovenock, Brian Roberson, Is the 50-State Strategy Optimal?

1212 Timothy N. Cason, Shakun Datta, Costly Buyer Search in Laboratory Markets with Seller Advertising

1213 Mohit Tawarmalani, Jean-Phillipe P. Richard, Kwanghun Chung, Strong Valid Inequalities for Orthogonal Disjunctions and Polynomial Covering Sets

1214 Kanda Naknoi, Tariffs and the Expansion of the American Pig Iron Industry, 1870 - 1940

1215 Kanda Naknoi, The Benefit of Exchange Rate Flexibility, Trade Openness and Extensive Margin

1216 Mohitosh Kejriwal, Pierre Perron, Testing for Multiple Structural Changes in Cointegrated Regression Models

1220 Kevin J. Mumford, The Efficiency Cost of Child Tax Benefits