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vernon smith experimental economics laboratory

The Vernon Smith Experimental Economics Laboratory (VSEEL) is a state-of-the-art facility for laboratory data collection for economics, management and other social sciences. It is located in room 701 of the Krannert Building in the Daniels School of Business at Purdue University.

Named in honor of the former Purdue Professor and 2002 Nobel Laureate Vernon Smith, VSEEL is used by Purdue Department of Economics faculty and students, who conduct experimental research in a variety of economics and management areas. Many VSEEL graduates have embarked on highly productive research careers. what all good scientists do. Experiment! Make it your motto day and night. Experiment! And it will lead you to the light. The apple on the top of the tree is never too high to achieve. So take an example from Eve: Experiment! Be curious, Though interfering friends may frown. Get furious at each attempt to hold you down. If this advice you’ll only employ, the future can offer you infinite joy and merriment. Experiment, and you’ll see!

- Cole Porter (1933)