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External Relations Staff

Kris Knotts

Kris Knotts

Director of Web Development and Marketing Analytics


M.B.A., Purdue University, 2013
B.S., Organizational Leadership, 2005
A.S., Organizational Leadership, 2003

Kris joined the staff at the business school in 2007 and oversees the external website of the school as well as all web analytics. He has been with Purdue since 2001, and served as the web technical specialist for Purdue Marketing Communications. Kris is a graduate of the organizational leadership undergraduate program in the College of Technology and the Weekend MBA program at the business school.

Kris has a strong interest in bringing games and game mechanics to business operations to increase engagement, often referred to as gamification.


Focus Award

Four Focus Awards have been given annually to those affiliated with Purdue University who have made an outstanding contribution to the furthering of Purdue University's commitment to disability accessibility and disability diversity.

Phone: (765) 496-7441
Office: YONG 910